Wednesday, July 14, 2010

St. Francis HR director lauded for service by professional association

INDIANAPOLIS – A human resources director for St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers is being recognized by the American Society of Healthcare Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA) for her service to that group’s state chapter.

Nora Cerins, director of compensation and benefits, will receive the 2010 Outstanding Chapter Officer Award at ASHHRA’s annual meeting Sept. 26 in Tampa, Fla.

“Nora's contribution to the Indiana chapter in various officer roles, as well as her leadership in several special projects, also have resulted in the Indiana chapter receiving the Chapter Leadership Award,” said John Ross, vice president of human resources.

An active member of the chapter since 1999, Cerins has held various officer positions, including president and treasurer. She is credited for her fiscal leadership and creating an educational program which brings the membership together regularly each year.

These and other projects Cerins has led have been instrumental in promoting the chapter’s membership growth.

Cerins has been affiliated with St. Francis’ Human Resources Department since 1998. She earned her master’s degree in biology and undergraduate degree in chemistry from Indiana University.

ASHHRA is a national organization representing human resources professionals in health care.