Thursday, July 15, 2010

St. Francis Hospital HR staffer earns recognition for publication

INDIANAPOLIS – A St. Francis Hospital Human Resources communications specialist has been recognized for her work in creating an internal electronic newsletter for employees at St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers.

Keri Brantley, a member of the hospital’s Human Resources Department, has earned the 2010 Communication Award (Internal Electronic Communication category) from the American Society of Healthcare Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA).

She is credited with the creation of Morning Messenger, an electronic newsletter distributed daily to St. Francis leadership and employees. The daily e-newsletter covers a variety of topics about hospital news coverage, employee events, community discount opportunities and other timely developments at the hospital's campuses at Indianapolis, Beech Grove and Mooresville.

“This marks the second year in a row Keri Brantley has been recognized by ASHHRA,” said John Ross, vice president of human resources. “In 2009, she and Karen Sagar, director of recruitment and retention, received the same award for another St. Francis internal publication, eSource.”

Brantley, who received her associate’s of business degree from Indiana Wesleyan University, has been affiliated with St. Francis and Alverno Information Services (a division of the Sisters of St. Francis Health Services) since 1998.

The ASHHRA Communication Award is for members who have written noteworthy books, articles and electronic communications related to the human resources profession.

ASHHRA is a national organization representing human resources professionals in health care.