Robert Kinn, M.D., an electrophysiologist with St. Francis Medical Group Indiana Heart Physicians will discuss the symptoms, diagnosis and the latest treatments of Afib at an upcoming workshop, 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 23. The free event is at the Franciscan St. Francis Heart Center at at St. Francis Hospital-Indianapolis,
Afib is a condition where the heart beats irregularly at a high rate. Sometimes, people have it for years and have few side effects. Over time, however, and with age, it can worsen, causing lightheadedness, unexplained fatigue and shortness of breath.
If severe and left untreated, this condition can lead to stroke, a main cause of permanent disability.
The good news is there are many new medications, surgical procedures and devices that can manage afib. During this presentation, Kinn will explain what happens to a heart with afib and how cardiologists and surgeons work together at Franciscan St. Francis Heart Center to create individualized treatment plans for patients.
To register, call 317-782-4422, or toll free 1-877-888-1777.
To learn more about the cardiac services at Franciscan St. Francis Health, go to