Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Franciscan Hospice House: Where compassion, care and life’s journey converge

Dedication, related events to be held in advance of facility’s opening this fall

INDIANAPOLIS – A long-awaited heartfelt dream held by many is about to transform into a glowing reality on the city’s south side.

Construction of Franciscan Hospice House is nearing completion, and Franciscan St. Francis Health will unveil it to the public at an open house 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Sept. 19. Visitors can tour the property and meet the people who will staff the facility, located at 8414 Franciscan Lane on the hospital’s Indianapolis campus.

One of the hallmark opening events will be the formal blessing and dedication of Franciscan Hospice House, Thursday, Sept. 17. Leading the ceremony will be the Rev. Monsignor Joseph F. Schaedel of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis; Sister Jane Marie Klein, chairwoman of Franciscan Alliance Board of Trustees; James Callaghan, MD, president and CEO for Franciscan St. Francis; and Robert J. Brody, senior vice president and chief operating of Franciscan Alliance Ambulatory Services.

Building of the facility got under way in June 2014 after a groundbreaking ceremony. It marked the start of a project envisioned for more than a decade, followed a thoughtful fundraising initiative steered by Franciscan Alliance Foundation Central Indiana. Over the course of the campaign, more than $10.3 million was raised by matching contributions from Franciscan Alliance, the generosity of the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, employee-giving, corporate partners and support from the community at large.

The campaign continues with the goal of raising more than $2 million to establish an endowment to sustain Franciscan Hospice House well into the future.
Here’s what will be available when Franciscan Hospice House opens to the public in early November:
·        12 private rooms for patients and families (with a build-out potential of four additional rooms)
·        Large common area for families
·        Well-equipped kitchen with dining room
·        Chapel and prayer garden
·        High-quality, holistic medical care for all Hospice House-qualified patients and support for their families
“One of our core values is that the gift of life is so valued and each person is cared for with respect, dignity, joy, fairness and compassion,” said Dr. Callaghan. “Whether through the miracle of childbirth, nursing a patient back to health, or caring for them during the dying process -- our staff carry on Christ’s healing and teaching ministries in our Franciscan tradition.”

Franciscan Hospice House complements the exceptional home, health hospice and palliative care services that Franciscan St. Francis Health has provided to 4,000 families in south-central Indiana for more than two decades.