Monday, September 22, 2014

Take a stroll through the human brain at Senior Promise’s annual health fair

Revamped health fair offers more and diverse exhibits, screenings and hands-on experience

INDIANAPOLIS – An expanded and fully interactive health fair is in store for the anticipated hundreds who will attend an annual health sponsored by Senior Promise.

“Journey Through Wellness” is slated for 8 a.m. to noon, Friday, Oct. 3, at The Atrium, 3143 E. Thompson Road. Senior Promise is a program based at Franciscan St. Francis Health.

Ever given any thought about what’s going on inside your head? Participants can walk through AmeriBrain, a large, inflatable exhibit. The display offers a realistic view about the parts and mechanics of the brain and disorders – such as strokes and headaches – and Franciscan St. Francis Health clinicians will be on hand to explain these functions.

There also will be numerous lifestyle screenings and other activities available, including health and wellness screenings, physician presentations, exercise (Pilates and yoga chair), cooking demonstrations, genetic counseling and testing for hereditary cancer conditions, chair massages, pharmacy consultations, first aid to name but a few.

Emergency Medical Technicians will be on hand to talk about personal safety and to assist guests in filling our emergency medical information forms.

Flu and pneumonia vaccines also will be offered and the cost covered for those enrolled in Medicare Care Part B or who are members of the Advantage Health plan.

“Journey Through Wellness – formerly called the Fall Health Festival – is an opportunity for us to more actively engage our guests and members and to provide more comprehensive health care education and the tools necessary to stay healthy,” said Senior Promise Director Jeanelle Regal.

Launched in 1987, Senior Promise provides its 30,000-plus members a variety of meaningful services and benefits for people age 50 and older throughout the year.