Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Send in the Clown

Liam is more focused on the gift bags outside his
room than he is on the arrival of his visitor
Ronald McDonald paid a visit to the youngsters in our pediatrics unit Dec. 17. McDonald’s Restaurants of Central Indiana have been spreading cheer this holiday season through the Joy of Giving.

Each child received special gifts as the playful Ronald interacted with them, their parents and hospital staff. Here are some images from the visit.

Five-year-old Avah was just being admitted to the unit and laughs as Ronald
demonstrates his squeaky outfit. For the record, she doesn't have a boyfriend
 and is not in high school yet, she revealed under intense questioning from her visitor

Ronald, Avah and her mother Sherri, are joined by local McDonald’s
Owner/Operator Pete Wojtowicz, who provided and helped deliver gifts to the youngsters.

Lennon checks out the race track while Ronald ponders the cars. 

THUMBS UP: Ronald strikes a pose with Sister Martha Ann, Lori Warner
(director of Women and Children's Services), Jennifer Naessens
(pediatrics manager) and Dena Powell (marketing and community relations coordinator).