Thursday, December 5, 2013

Coping with holiday stress hinges on personal, realistic approach

INDIANAPOLIS – As the holiday tune resonates with the message that it’s the most wonderful time of the year, for many it’s a time of stress, grief over the loss of a loved one, or grappling with the rough economic times.

“There are many healthy ways to cope with issues many of us face during the holidays,” said Kerry Minnis, licensed clinical social worker at Franciscan St. Francis Health, offering several tips:

Stress Overload
·         Simplify. Cut your “to-do” list. Delegate and get help.
·         Make choices that are good for you and your family.
·         Remember, time management is self-management. Teaching others to respect your time and having realistic goals are helpful.

·         Develop new traditions. Reaffirm your spirituality. Focus on family.
·         Examine your holiday rituals and traditions. Keep those that are enjoyable and meaningful. Create new rituals that fit your current lifestyle.
·         Reach out to others and share in the true meaning of the holiday.

Hard Time Economy
·         Avoid gift-giving frenzies. Use alternative gifts if money is a problem. Those may include something you can make or a card with the offer to provide a task or chore.
·         Focusing on the original meaning of the holiday can help overcome guilt associated with the inability to buy the gifts we would like.

Francis St. Francis Outpatient Behavioral Health Services offers a variety of services and programs throughout the year. Click here to learn more.