Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Franciscan St. Francis Health stroke program receives national certification

INDIANAPOLIS – Franciscan St. Francis Health has been awarded Primary Stroke Certification from the Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP).

The certification means Franciscan St. Francis’ Stroke Alert program has the capability to treat acute stroke patients, provide comprehensive stroke care, and administer other acute therapies safely and efficiently.

“We are proud to achieve HFAP’s prestigious Primary Stroke Certification. Our team has worked tirelessly to achieve this certification, and it reflects our dedication to excellent patient care and service,” said David Glander, MD, neurologist and medical director of the Franciscan St. Francis Health Neurosciences Center. “In awarding us Primary Stroke Certification, HFAP has acknowledged the exceptional stroke care we provide to our patients and our commitment to the well-being of our community and surrounding communities.”

HFAP stroke certification differs from other certification programs in that it provides a three-year certification award. In addition, HFAP requirements include 110 clinical standards and performance measures.  The surveyors from HFAP informed the Stroke Alert Team at Franciscan St. Francis their survey was among the highest rated.

“Franciscan St. Francis Health has demonstrated and is clearly committed to providing excellent stroke care to its patients,” said HFAP CEO Michael Zarski. “Hospitals that have established centers have demonstrated improved treatment, better patient outcomes, and reduced costs. Moreover, Primary Stroke centers have the required infrastructure and protocols in place to stabilize and provide rapid and evidence-based care.”

To achieve Primary Stroke Certification, Franciscan St. Francis needed to meet the following standards:

·         The program director must have extensive experience in acute stroke care
·         Stroke Alert team arrival at bedside must be within 15 minutes
·         Lab testing and advanced imaging results must be available within 45 minutes of patient arrival 24 hours a day
·         Must have access to neurologists 24/7, within 15 minutes of patient arrival
·         Must have neurosurgical expertise available
·         Must have a designated stroke unit
·         Staff must meet stroke-specific education requirements
·         Stroke Alert team ensures that each patient receives appropriate and efficient protocol-driven care

For more information, visit