Thursday, July 25, 2013

Franciscan St. Francis Health physician to be honored for family medicine career

INDIANAPOLIS – Richard D. Feldman, MD, will receive the Lester D. Bibler Award from the Indiana Academy of Family Physicians (IAFP).

Feldman, director of the Family Medicine Residency Program for Franciscan St. Francis Health, will be presented the award July 27 at IAFP’s annual conference in downtown Indianapolis.

The award recognizes individuals for their contributions and long-time dedication to family medicine. It was established in honor of Lester D. Bibler, MD, who was instrumental in helping found the American Academy of Family Physicians (formerly American Academy of General Practice) and served as the first president of the Indiana Academy of Family Physicians.

“Dr. Feldman is known as a leader, educator, model, and public servant to his colleagues and residents for the outstanding care he provides his patients,” IAFP officials said in a statement in advance of the conference. “He leads the St. Francis family medicine residency program to high success that attracts and inspires residents from Indiana and the nation. His commitment to and passion for family medicine is evident in all areas of his life, and his accomplishments mirror his outstanding dedication.”

Feldman, who directs the medical education program at Franciscan St. Francis, holds several elected appointments with the Indiana Academy of Family Physicians, the Indianapolis Medical Society and Indiana State Medical Association. He has served as president of the Indiana Academy of Family Physicians IAFP’s Foundation and is past president of the Indiana Medical History Museum.

A South Bend native, Feldman served as Indiana State Health Commissioner from 1997 to 2001, and he’s a regularly featured editorial columnist for the Indianapolis Star.