Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Departing surgeon saluted by hospital peers for stellar patient care

INDIANAPOLIS – Bridget Sanders, MD, is the recipient of the Healing Hands Award for the second quarter of 2013.

Sanders has practiced medicine with the Franciscan Physician Network Kendrick Colon & Rectal Center since 2005 and has been an active member of the Franciscan St. Francis Health medical staff.

One of the nomination forms from a former patient’s daughter, notes that “her compassion and love for her career are obvious. She is an angel.” Qualities like these have made Sanders a respected and valued member of the Franciscan St. Francis medical staff.

Reception of the award is bittersweet for Sanders as she prepares to leave the Indianapolis area. She will be relocating to San Antonio, Texas, later this summer to begin work at Cristus Santa Rosa Hospital. This move offers her the opportunity to spend more time with her son and pursue a degree in law.

The award presentation and reception for Sanders is scheduled 7 a.m., Friday, July 12, in the auditorium at the hospital’s Indianapolis campus.

The Healing Hands Award is presented quarterly to Franciscan St. Francis physicians who demonstrate excellence in clinical skills, patient relations, research, stewardship, and reflection of the hospital’s health care ministry, values and mission.