Wednesday, May 30, 2012

St. Francis Health to take pulse of central Indiana’s health, social needs

Public encouraged to take part in online survey, participants eligible for prizes

INDIANAPOLIS – Franciscan St. Francis Health has served patients and provided care to the community at large through a variety of means for nearly a century. As the hospital continues with its mission, it also is gauging future needs.

That’s why Franciscan St. Francis is conducting a community health needs assessment from June 1 through August– and it’s asking residents in south-central Indiana to participate.

“This confidential assessment looks at personal health and seeks opinions about the health care needs and social issues in our community,” said Sister Marlene Shapley, vice president of mission services. “We believe the community knows what their greatest needs are and what they might be in the future.”

Survey results will be publicly available after the assessment is completed sometime in the first quarter of 2013.

At the end of the survey, interested participants can choose to visit an independent site where they may sign up for a drawing for prizes ranging from pre-paid VISA cards to $100 gift cards to downtown restaurants and more.

With hospitals in Indianapolis, Mooresville and Carmel, Franciscan St. Francis Health serves 25,000 inpatients and handles more than 1.8 million outpatients each year. To learn more about its programs and services, go to   

Franciscan St. Francis Health also reaches out to the community in a variety of ways. More information about the community benefits it provides is at