Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Franciscan St. Francis Health nurses recognized with DAISY awards

INDIANAPOLIS – Two registered nurses at Franciscan St. Francis Health have been praised by patients and peers for above-and-beyond the call in care giving.

Registered nurses Joan Frith and Taren Popovich have been named the December 2011 recipients of the hospital’s DAISY Awards.

The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses is a national program which honors the compassionate care and clinical excellence. Franciscan St. Francis localized the program in 2010 to recognize its nurses for their achievements.

Frith, a nurse in the intensive care unit at Franciscan St. Francis Health-Mooresville, was nominated for her compassionate caring way with a patient.

“Joan is an angel from heaven. I never realized there were people like her here on earth,” wrote the daughter of the patient. “She is the most loving, kind, caring, patient woman I have ever met at Franciscan St. Francis.”

This is Frith’s second DAISY award.

Popovich, an adult inpatient unit nurse at the Indianapolis hospital, was nominated by a clinical instructor.

“Taren stood out to all of the students,” wrote the clinical instructor who nominated her. The students wrote on their evaluations that they wanted to be as good as Taren. “I can’t say enough positive things about Taren.”

The DAISY Award was established by the DAISY Foundation in memory of J. Patrick Barnes who died at 33 an auto-immune disease. His family was so impressed by the clinical skills, caring and compassion of the nurses who cared for him that they created this national award to say “thank you” to nurses everywhere. For more information, go to www.daisyfoundation.org.

To learn more about nursing careers and programs at Franciscan St. Francis, go to www.stfrancishospitals.org/nursing.