Wednesday, November 23, 2011

St. Francis Health’s Mooresville hospital preps for new unit opening

MOORESVILLE, Ind. – A new medical unit is scheduled to open Nov. 29 at Franciscan St. Francis Health-Mooresville

It is called the Inpatient Medical Unit to differentiate it from the existing Medical-Surgical Unit. Located in what was the original patient/surgery wing in the original hospital before the 2008 expansion, the new unit houses patient beds in 13 private rooms, two large enough to be semi-private if needed. The unit was created to address the growth trend at the hospital.

The population served by this 8,800-square-foot unit will be primarily patients with a general medical conditions such as respiratory, heart failure and sepsis. Patients requiring progressive or intensive care will be cared for in the ICU.

“Our goal is to use this unit for medical patients only and keep all surgery patients in the existing orthopedics and med-surg units,” said Cindy Knipe, R.N., clinical services assistant director.

The unit includes the latest technology, including Spectralink phones and the G.E. Tellergy nurse call installed in the 2008 Phase II addition. It also will be equipped with a an advanced tube system station and Pyxis drug-dispensing unit.

To learn more about Franciscan St. Francis Health-Mooresville and its services, go to