Monday, July 11, 2011

Golf outing rakes in green to support community programs

INDIANAPOLIS – The 2011 St. Francis Healthcare Foundation golf outing raised more than $117,000 which will support programs promoting health and healing to hospital patients and their families.

Proceeds from their annual event, which was held in June at Eagle Creek Golf Club, are used to help fulfill the mission of Franciscan St. Francis Health of care for the underserved, care for the dying, spiritual care and professional development.

The Foundation directs philanthropic support to a wide variety of programs including the Memories to Hold bereavement program, Spiritual Care services and the St. Francis Neighborhood Clinic.

“Over the last 25 years, dollars raised from this outing have supported a variety of programs vital to the mission St. Francis Health and in our ongoing outreach to the communities we serve,” said Greg Williamson, Executive Director for the Foundation. “This charity event continues to succeed because of players’ willingness to participate and our many volunteers. We are grateful for the ongoing support from our sponsors, golfers and community friends.”

The St. Francis Healthcare Foundation was established in 1995 as a separate corporation to help advance the mission of the Sisters of St. Francis Health Services, specifically the service areas of Franciscan St. Francis Health.

More information about the foundation is at