Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rehabilitation stay at St. Francis Health inspires portrait of caring

BEECH GROVE, Ind. – Artists draw inspiration from myriad sources. Even from hospital stays.

Last March, Kenneth Vanosdol of Greenwood, was admitted to Franciscan St. Francis Health-Beech Grove for a bilateral total knee replacement performed by Tim Williams, M.D. Two days later, he was admitted to the hospital’s Inpatient Rehabilitation Center (IRC) to continue therapy.

He was discharged seven days later and went home with his wife, Pat, to mend on the home front.

“He was independent with all of his mobility and self-care,” said Annette Seabrook, director for the St. Francis Inpatient Rehabilitation Center (IRC).

At the time, Kenneth’s daughter, Alex, a student at the Herron School of Art and design in Indianapolis, was considering a project for an oil painting. She remembered the depth of care given to her father at St. Francis and began to commit her thoughts to canvas.

The result? A pair of hands gently surrounding a plant.

“I drew inspiration from the care that was provided to my dad by the staff at St. Francis. I was so thankful for everything that everyone did, and I just wanted to show my appreciation,” said Alex Vanosdol.

On May 23, the Vanosdol family returned to IRC to present the staff with their daughter’s painting.

“She said she knew that we all had our ‘own lives,’ but she was so appreciative of how dedicated we were when we were at work and that everyone was so positive,” said Seabrook.

“I see the painting as the caring hands of the St. Francis staff. The hands in the painting brought life into the plant, just as the staff care for each patient and help them return to their lives,” said Kenneth Vanosdol.

Strolling casually into the unit only nine weeks after his surgery, there was little to indicate Vanosdol had undergone knee-replacement surgery less than two months ago.

“My whole recovery process was great. I felt like I was ahead of other patients I saw in outpatient therapy,” said Vanosdol.

Alex Vanosdol’s artwork will soon be displayed at Franciscan St. Francis Hospital-Beech Grove.