Friday, October 15, 2010

Indianapolis pediatrician saluted by St. Francis for stellar patient care

INDIANAPOLIS – Linda Blanchard, M.D., is the latest recipient of the Healing Hands Award presented by St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers.

With her colleagues, staff and others looking on, Blanchard received the award today (Oct. 15) at her south side office.

“Dr. Blanchard is highly respected by her peers and loved by her patients,” said Christopher “Topper” Doehring, M.D., vice president of medical affairs, who presented the award on behalf of the hospital. “She is a professional, personable person who is very committed to her patients and their well-being.”

Blanchard was nominated by a parent of one of her infant patients.

Board-certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics, Blanchard practices medicine at Southside Pediatrics Inc. She has held various clinical committee appointments at St. Francis, including chair and vice chair of the hospital’s Department of Pediatrics.

Blanchard earned her medical degree at the Indiana University School of Medicine and has long been a volunteer clinical faculty member in pediatrics. She completed residency at Riley Hospital for Children.

A Phi Beta Kappa IU honors graduate, Blanchard is active in the community as a Girl Scout leader and a volunteer for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization.

Southside Pediatrics Inc. is at 7830 McFarland Lane. To learn more about Blanchard, her colleagues and their practice, go to

Awarded quarterly, the Healing Hands Award was established earlier this year. Its goal is to recognize St. Francis physicians for excellence in clinical skills, patient relations, research, stewardship and their reflection of the hospital’s health-care ministry, values and mission.