Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nurse navigator helps guide St. Francis breast cancer patients through treatment

INDIANAPOLIS – Cassie Carney, R.N., has been appointed as a nurse navigator for the St. Francis Cancer Center.

She will assist breast cancer patients and their families in coordinating diagnostic appointments and physician visits, help them manage their symptoms, provide education, make patients aware of clinical trial availability and very importantly, easing patient anxiety.

The new nurse navigator also will work with a multidisciplinary physician team from the Breast Cancer Center of Excellence to coordinate evidence-based patient care.

Carney previously served as a chemotherapy nurse for Fort Wayne Medical Oncology & Hematology. Before that, she held positions as charge nurse and nurse manager in medical oncology at Parkview Hospital.

She earned an associate degree in nursing at Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne and is affiliated with Oncology Nurses Society.

St. Francis has nurse navigators assigned to cancer specialty areas such as breast, colorectal and lung. To learn more about the roles of nurse navigators, go to http://stfrancishospitals.org/Cancer/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=246.

More information about the programs and services offered at St. Francis Cancer Center are at http://stfrancishospitals.org/Cancer.