Friday, August 27, 2010

And the children shall lead them: Walk honors memory of lost infants

BEECH GROVE, Ind.St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers will host its 25th annual Walk to Remember Saturday, Oct. 2.

Hundreds of families from around central Indiana who have lost children through miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death will gather to remember and honor their children.

Registration begins at 10 a.m. at St. Francis Hospital-Beech Grove, with the walk stepping off an hour later. The route ends at Sarah T. Bolton Park. Transportation is available for those unable to walk that short distance.

The program will consist of music by New York City, grief therapist, singer/song writer, Paul Alexander, a dove release as well a balloon release. Families are invited to bring a picnic lunch and share the afternoon with other families in the park as they honor the “Feast of Angels.”

There will be commemorative t-shirts and sweatshirts, “In Memory Of” signs and raffle baskets for purchase. All proceeds are used to support the Memories to Hold Program.

St. Francis representatives also will be on hand to discuss ways to cope with losing a child and to explain the hospital’s support group for grieving families.

For more information about Walk to Remember, call 317-865-5199.