Wednesday, March 31, 2010

State senator rounds with St. Francis nurses; discusses various health-care issues

BEECH GROVE, Ind. – As the nation continues to grapple with health-care reform– particularly in the wake of Congress’ recent passage of controversial and complex legislation – one of the leading voices in the Indiana Senate shared her ideas and listened to issues of interest to nurses at St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers.

Sen. Patricia Miller (R-Indianapolis), who chairs the Senate Committee on Health and Provider Services in the Indiana General Assembly, today (March 30) rounded with nurses in adult critical care, intensive care, geriatrics and the bone marrow transplantation unit.

A registered nurse who graduated from Methodist Hospital School of Nursing and later Indiana University, Miller listened closely as nurses briefed her and their colleagues on patients’ conditions and treatments. Nurses also explained some of the changes and programs they have been involved in designed to improve patient outcomes and operate more efficiently.

“The entire health care environment continues to change at a rapid pace and you are on the cutting edge of health care,” said Miller, who also serves on the Senate Committee on Appropriations and is a member of the Health Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures. “In fact, you are leading much of that change.”

Following the rounds and inpatient unit visits, the senator sat down with nurse experts from varied specialty areas who shared their nursing experiences – and she explained how they can become even better advocates for their patients.

“It’s critical you let me and others in the legislature know what your concerns are,” Miller said. “You are the experts; you know the issues and you can do much to help us do our jobs as lawmakers.”

Miller, who represents constituents in portions of Marion and Johnson counties, also met with St. Francis’ executive leadership, including Chief Operating Officer Keith Jewell, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Alan Gillespie, Chief Nursing Officer Susan McRoberts and Sister Marlene Shapley, vice president of mission integration at St. Francis.

The senator’s visit was organized by St. Francis nurses Judith Young and Kathleen Holmes.