Tuesday, March 9, 2010

St. Francis’ got a brand new brown bag event to evaluate medications

MOORESVILLE -- The Senior Promise program Pharmacy Department and St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers is sponsoring a “Brown Bag” event, Thursday, April 8.

The program is a service where the public can bring in their prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, herbs and supplements and put them into a big brown bag (actually any bag will do) and bring them in for a pharmacist to review with you.

St. Francis registered pharmacists will be on hand to discuss with visitors various aspects of the medications they are taking. After the review, individuals receive a report, with recommendations, to share with their primary care physicians.

Participants should bring all of their items in containers to receive a thorough and accurate assessment.

The event is from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Swisher Conference Room, St. Francis Hospital-Mooresville, 1201 Hadley Road.

Reservations are required to attend the event. Call 317-782-6660.

The Senior Promise program at St. Francis offers myriad programs and benefits to its 10,000 members in south-central Indiana. To learn more go to