Friday, January 1, 2010

St. Francis Hospital-Indianapolis welcomes first baby of 2010

INDIANAPOLIS – The first few notes of Jesus Loves Me sounded at 1:32 a.m., announcing the first baby born on New Year’s Day 2010 at St. Francis Hospital-Indianapolis.

Kendalynne Toms weighed in at 7 pounds and 4 ounces, and measured 21 ¼ inches long. She is the daughter of April Toms of Martinsville.

In 2009, 2,745 babies were born at St. Francis-Indianapolis. Nearly 33,450 infants have been delivered since 1996, when the Women and Children’s Services program was consolidated at the hospital’s south-side campus.

Mother April Toms cradles her new daughter Kendalynne, who was born at 1:32 a.m. St. Francis-Indianapolis on New Year's Day.

Each time a child is born at the hospital, the first few stanzas of Jesus Loves Me chimes throughout the hospital via the public address system.