Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Postpartum screening, treatment focus of new St. Francis program

INDIANAPOLIS – Perinatal Mood Disorders, commonly referred to as postpartum depression, is said to occur in up to 20 percent in mothers. These disorders can occur at any time during pregnancy and often during the first year following delivery.

An even grimmer statistic is that about 80 percent suffering from PMD do not seek or receive treatment, which can adversely affect the mother, infant and family.

That’s why St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers has launched the Postpartum Depression/Perinatal Mood Disorders program. The initiative includes a support group (already in operation) and assistance through St. Francis Outpatient Behavioral Health Services.

The program also will provide screenings at its Indianapolis and Mooresville hospitals beginning Jan.1, 2010.

“Postpartum staff nurses will administer the screening test during a patient’s hospital stay,” said family nurse practitioner Angela Bratina, postpartum manager at St. Francis. “The program is a result of our hospital’s vision to provide excellent, patient-focused care.”

The program will receive an added boost on Jan. 20, when Birdie Meyer, R.N., a nationally recognized PMD expert, will make a presentation at St. Francis Hospital-Indianapolis.

For more information about the event and the new program, contact Bratina at 317-851-1657, or

More information about the Women’s Health Services at St. Francis can be found at www.stfrancishospitals.org/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=134