Tuesday, October 13, 2009

‘Better Life’ program aims at making life easier for Morgan Co. residents

Community Resources Fair offers help to residents in a variety of areas

MORGAN COUNTY, Ind. — Many Morgan County residents are feeling more stress these days for lots of reasons.

The struggling economy has increased the levels of anxiety due to unemployment and lack of health insurance. Many residents have friends or family members serving in war zones overseas or have experienced the loss of a loved one in the service of their country. Physical and mental health problems and drug abuse appear to be on the rise, to name just a few.

That’s where the Better Life program comes in. Its mission is to improve the physical, emotional, and mental health and well-being of Morgan County residents — helping them cope with the issues that often make life more difficult.

The Better Life program will launch Saturday, Nov. 14, with a Community Resources Fair, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Neil Armstrong Elementary School, located on State Road 144 just east of State Road 67.

The Resources Fair will bring together many community resources together in one place to provide advice, counseling and information to people who need help in a variety of areas, including:
Education and financial assistance
General living assistance (housing, food, clothing, furniture, utilities, transportation)
Health and wellness
Behavioral counseling
Senior citizens services
Financial planning, banking and mortgage information
Legal services
Veterans services
Medicaid and disability services
Child and youth services

Free refreshments and giveaways will be provided. Drawings will be held for several door prizes. A “Kids Korner” for young children will be hosted in the school’s library by the Mooresville Public Library, so parents can visit the booths without their children along, if they choose.

Better Life sponsors expect the November event to be just the first of many such activities in the county.

“Our goal is for Better Life to be an ongoing program offering a variety of events and services needed by people of all ages and walks of life,” said Marty Spitz, marketing manager for St. Francis Hospital-Mooresville.

St. Francis Hospital-Mooresville is spearheading this program with the help of many community civic and business leaders. Plans are for the Healthier Morgan County Initiative, one of the initial sponsors, to take over the program, making it an integral part of that group’s ongoing efforts to improve the health and lives of Morgan County residents.

“We think this is a perfect opportunity for Healthier Morgan County to sustain this valuable program,” said Bud Swisher, the initiatives executive director.

For more information on the fair, call Marty Spitz at St. Francis Hospital-Mooresville, 317-834-9539.

Better Life Resources Fair Details
When: Saturday, Nov. 14, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Neil Armstrong Elementary School, 1000 Road 144, Mooresville
(On the north side of SR144, just east of SR67)
What: Booths representing a variety of service agencies and businesses that can help area residents with their personal, family, financial and other needs.
Special attractions: Free refreshments, giveaways, door prizes, “Kids Korner” for children provided by the Mooresville Public Library.
Sponsors: St. Francis Hospital–Mooresville, Healthier Morgan County Initiative, Greater Mooresville Chamber of Commerce, Greater Martinsville Chamber of Commerce, Community Foundation of Morgan County, Inc., Barbara B. Jordan YMCA, Mooresville Consolidated School Corporation, St. Thomas More Free Clinic
About Better Life program
The nation’s struggling economy has meant rising unemployment for some and overwork for others. It also has resulted in more people who lack adequate health insurance. Many residents have friends and family members serving in war zones overseas or have experienced the loss of a loved one in the service of their country. Physical and mental health problems appear to be on the rise, related to poor nutrition and obesity, diabetes and other physical illnesses, depression, smoking and drug abuse, divorce and other family tensions.

The Better Life program, a collaboration of numerous Morgan County community organizations and businesses, was developed to directly address the stress and challenges faced by many Morgan County families in meeting their essential needs for a healthy and happy lifestyle.