Friday, September 25, 2009

St. Francis Hospital-Indianapolis construction project picks up pace

INDIANAPOLIS – St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers is moving ahead again on the construction of an inpatient bed tower at its campus on the far south side of Indianapolis.

“It is with great pleasure that we announce construction is resuming with the St. Francis Hospital Indianapolis campus consolidation project,” said Robert J. Brody, president and chief executive officer. “Construction had been delayed because of the turbulent economic environment. Though at the time, the delay was disappointing, it was determined that a fiscally conservative approach was most appropriate.

“Today the situation has improved,” Brody added. “After careful and ongoing evaluation of key economic indicators and the financial performance of the hospital, the Sisters of St. Francis Health Services Board of Trustees voted to resume the project at full steam ahead. We are most grateful for the board’s confidence and support.”
St. Francis officials last March announced the postponement of the project until there were visible signs of an improved economy.

“Throughout these past long months of unprecedented economic challenges, the dedication, stewardship and loyalty of our St. Francis family has been a guiding and stabilizing influence in our ability to respond positively to the environment while continuing to move our mission forward,” said Chief Operating Officer Keith Jewell, who has been overseeing much of the project since its inception in 2007.
Although considerably slowed, the work never did come to a standstill. In recent months, much of the exterior of the bed tower has been finished and some windows and framing put in place.

Tonn and Blank Construction of Indianapolis and Michigan City is performing the work.

New features and additions included in the consolidation are:
-- 221 inpatient beds in the six-story bed tower (177 medical-surgical, 30 intensive care, 14 observation)
-- New and renovated outpatient surgery area, adding 10 new suites, and a café near the waiting area
-- New and expanded emergency department with 68 treatment rooms, a satellite laboratory, CT scan and ultrasound rooms
-- New pharmacy area and expanded lab services
-- Expanded imaging services
-- Areas for nursing administration, medical staff offices, medical staff library and respiratory therapy
-- New hyberbaric chamber used for wound care
-- New cafeteria
-- New main entrance located on the east side of the facility

More than 1,600 new parking spaces already have been added at the hospital campus.

The consolidation is part of an overall plan to migrate inpatient and other services from St. Francis-Beech Grove to the Indianapolis hospital.

Inpatient services are expected to fully migrate from Beech Grove to Indianapolis by the first quarter of 2012.

Last spring, St. Francis employees inscribed their thoughts, hopes and prayers on the "topping" beam to be placed at the crest of the inpatient bed tower.