Thursday, July 16, 2009

St. Francis observes World Breastfeeding Week with education, giveaways

INDIANAPOLIS – Breastfeeding is more than just a lifestyle choice about how to feed babies. It is an important health decision that affects not only the baby but the mother and society as well.

The staff at St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers is committed to supporting breastfeeding mothers. That’s why St. Francis will provide breastfeeding information and resources as it celebrates World Breastfeeding Week, Aug. 3 to 7.

During that week, the lobby of the Women & Children’s Services building at St. Francis’ Indianapolis campus (8111 S. Emerson Ave.) will be filled with displays from local community organizations and businesses that promote, support and advocate for breastfeeding.

The displays will be located near the St. Francis gift shop, which includes breastfeeding-friendly products available for purchase.

Certified lactation consultants from St. Francis will be available to discuss tips how their families can support mothers in their decision to breastfeed. Also, breastfeeding moms will be on hand to discuss why they chose to breastfeed their babies and how their families have benefited from this decision.

Other participating organizations include: La Leche League, Indiana Perinatal Network, Mother’s Milk Bank, Women Infants and Children Program, and

The U.S. Surgeon General's Goal for Healthy People 2010 calls for: 75 percent of women breastfeed their infants at hospital discharge; 50 percent breastfeed their infants at 6 months of age; and 25 percent breastfeed their infants at 12 months of age.

Indiana aims for the goals of 65 percent of women breastfeed their infants at hospital discharge; 35 percent breastfeed their infants at 6 months of age; and 17 percent breastfeed their infants at 12 months of age.

For more information about breastfeeding or to talk to a certified lactation consultant, call the St. Francis Lactation Line at 317-865-5620.