Friday, May 29, 2009

Walkway bricks at St. Francis-Mooresville cement memories of loved ones

MOORESVILLE, Ind. – The landscaped walkway lining the banks of the lake at St. Francis Hospital-Mooresville offers more than just a scenic stroll.

For a donation of $125 to the St. Francis Healthcare Foundation, people can own a piece of the pathway lining both side of the Memory Walk, as part of the hospital campus’ Lake and Gardens project. Bricks can include personal messages honoring their loved ones.

“This will be an ongoing labor of love, providing a way you can pay tribute to a close friend or relative,” said Jeanne Aydt of the foundation.

The Lake and Gardens project began with a vision to expand the natural environment on the hospital campus to promote a healing atmosphere.

“Visitors can stroll along the new walkway, rest on one of the teak benches, stroll across the footbridge spanning the lake, and enjoy the play of light on the water,” Aydt said. “This is an area coming to life – and the memorial bricks honor the lives and memories of others.”

For more information or to receive an order form call Aydt at 317-782-6851. Order forms also are available at the St. Francis Hospital-Mooresville campus, 1201 Hadley Road.

To learn more about the St. Francis Healthcare Foundation, visit