Tuesday, March 10, 2009

His heart, her heart: Free program focuses on differences, care

INDIANAPOLIS – It’s been said men are from Mars and women are from Venus, suggesting they sometimes are different as beings from other planets. Closer to home on Earth, the two sexes also experience heart disease in different ways.

That’s the focus of a free program sponsored by the St. Francis Heart Center Thursday, March 19. The event gets under way at 6:30 p.m. at the Heart Center’s community center at 8111 S. Emerson Ave. on the city’s south side.

Polly Moore, a cardiologist with the St. Francis-based Indiana Heart Physicians, will discuss how men and women have different signs and symptoms of a heart attack, diagnosis of heart disease and treatments. She also will give participants health strategies and techniques to reduce their risk of heart attack and disease.

To register for the program, call 317-782-4422, or register on line at www.stfrancishospitals.org/Heart

St. Francis heart physicians are internationally recognized for their creation and development of the revolutionary Emergency Heart Attack Response Team protocol. EHART cuts down the time between a patient's arrival at the ER and treatment, lessening the severity of the attack and saving substantially more heart muscle. This greatly improves the patient's chances of making a full recovery.

To learn more about EHART, go to www.heartattackcare.net/ehart.php