Monday, October 27, 2008

Stroke prevention workshop includes sign-up for free vascular screenings

MOORESVILLE, Ind. – Strokes strike more than 780,000 Americans each year, claiming more than 150,000 lives – the third leading cause of death in the nation. But there are some protective measures that can taken to lower the risks.

That’s why cardiologist J. D. Graham III, M.D., is leading a free special seminar at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 12 at Swisher Conference Center, St. Francis Hospital-Mooresville.

"Just as in heart disease where plaque build-up can cause a heart attack, dangerous plaque build-up in carotid arteries," said Graham, who is a member of St. Francis Heart Center and Indiana Heart Physicians.

Graham will explain how to keep the carotid arteries free of plaque and disease and the latest treatment options for patients at risk for stroke and related conditions.

Participants attending the program will also have the opportunity to ask questions and to sign up for a free peripheral vascular screening at a later date.

To register or for more information, call 317-782-4422.

More information about the St. Francis Heart Centers is at