Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Beech Grove clinical departments merge, change locations

The Wound Care Institute, Enterostomal Therapy and Medical Clinic will soon merge and relocate to a single location at St. Francis Hospital-Beech Grove.

The new location is 10 T and the effective date of the departments’ move is July 14.

‘Services will continue with the same level of care patients have experienced in the past,” said Amira Kehoe, R.N., currently manager of the Wound Care Institute, Medical Clinic and Enterostomal Therapy. “Patients can park in the front physician's parking lot or the garage and their ticket will be validated.”

The Medical Clinic that currently sees the infusion patients will be part of this merger and remains at the Beech Grove Campus on the 10th floor of the hospital.

The Pain Clinic is taking on a more specialized approach and will be moving to the Indianapolis Campus. The Pain Clinic’s move is anticipated for late summer and its new address will be 8250 S. Emerson Avenue. Kim Bell, R.N., will continue to serve as manager of the clinic.

Contact information for the three departments remains:

Wound Care Institute – 783-8014
Enterostomal Therapy – 783-8530
Medical Clinic – 783-8233

The fax machine number for the three departments is 783-8087.

For more information, contact Amira Kehoe at 783-8732 or at