Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hospice program seeks willing servers during National Volunteer Week

INDIANAPOLIS – It has been said the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in serving others – and many are finding themselves by serving the dying and their families through the St. Francis Hospice program.

With National Volunteer Week (April 27-May 3) approaching, the program seeks people for various roles and positions, including office assistants, people trained in bereavement to assist with phone calls and support groups and to make visits to patients’ homes and extended care facilities. Musicians, hair stylists and volunteers with other skills also are needed.

“National Volunteer Week gives people the opportunity to be shining examples,” said Glenda Dennison, volunteer coordinator. “Hospice volunteers encourage those they serve and inspire others to serve.

All St. Francis Hospice volunteers complete an orientation program provided by staff and have the opportunity to meet other volunteers and to shadow a member of our team to patients’ homes.

Volunteers must be 18 or older and willing to commit to four hours a week for six months. They must complete a hospital volunteer application process and attend orientation.

To learn more about the hospice volunteer program, contact Glenda Dennison at 317-859-2874, or

More information about St. Francis Hospice is at