For the first time
ever, the hospital, located at 8111 Emerson Ave., will host a nine-hour blood
drive. It will take place on Aug. 5, from 7 a.m. to noon, and 4 to 8 p.m. in
the Terrace Conference Room.
The Indiana Blood
Center needs approximately 550 donors daily. However, during the summer the
schools that normally host these blood drives are closed, causing a marked
reduction in donations.
The drive is open to
the public with those donating encouraged to bring along a friend or family
member to donate with them. Pre-registration is preferred, but walk-ins are
also welcome.
Donors should expect the
donation process to take about an hour, which includes a mini-physical and a 15
minute resting period with complimentary snacks after donating. All donors will
receive a small thank you gift as well.
Each whole blood
donation gets separated into three parts and is tested for safety. The three
life-saving components are platelets, red blood cells and plasma. These
components can be used for cancer treatment, surgery, trauma, burn patients and
many more conditions.
Eligible participants
need to be over 17 years old, or 16 with a parent’s permission and weigh at
least 110 pounds. Eligible donors can donate again 56 days between donating. People
can even become donors if they’ve gotten a tattoo, as long as it was done at
least one month prior to donating.
travelers, cancer survivors, people with diabetes and high blood pressure may
also be eligible to donate as well. Those with questions about their eligibility
can email eligibility@indianablood.org.
To register, visit www.DonorPoint.org and click “Schedule to Donate”. Search
“Franciscan” and make an appointment. Those donating should bring a photo ID
and be sure to have eaten something prior to donation.