In that role, she
will assist Franciscan Alliance Corporate Ethicist Father Michael Place, in
building a stronger system-wide ethics program for Franciscan Alliance. She
also will oversee the Franciscan Leadership Enhancement Program.
Boerstler has served as Administrative Director for Imaging for
Franciscan St. Francis Health, a division of Franciscan Alliance, since 2013. Before
that assignment, she was manager over clinical operations at Franciscan St. James
Health and has also served as a corporate buyer and contract
analyst for Franciscan.
Certified in Catholic Healthcare Ethics and Healthcare
Leadership-Disaster Preparedness, Boerstler was an honors graduate at Saint.
Mary’s College (Notre Dame, IN) and received her undergraduate degree in
philosophy and theology. She later earned a Master’s of Public Affairs in
health care administration at Indiana University.
Boerstler is completing a Master’s in Theology this spring,
with concentration in Catholic bioethics, at Holy Apostles Seminary
She is a member of Pi Alpha Alpha (National Honor Society
for Public Administration) and Theta Alpha Kappa (National Honor Society for
Religious Studies) and holds a Green Belt in Lean Six Sigma, a set of tools and strategies for process improvement.
Boerstler is a member of the
American College of Healthcare Executives, Indiana Healthcare Executive Network,
Indianapolis Alumnae board for Saint Mary’s College, and active in other church
and community activities.